The Appearance of Dermal Fillers in the Lip Years After Costmetic Treatment — The Association Specialists

The Appearance of Dermal Fillers in the Lip Years After Costmetic Treatment (#6)

Eileen Tan-Gore 1 , Dimitrios Nikolarakos 1
  1. Gold Coast University Hospital, Parkinson, QLD, Australia

Dermal fillers are a common cosmetic procedure that can be performed in rooms. Previously these are thought to be a non-permanent procedure and that the natural immune response of the body eventually removes them from the position placed during injection. However, a clinical case of a patient who had an MRI as part of an investigation of an upper lip lesion showed a suprising picture of several deposits of what appears to be dermal filler. Thus the injection of dermal fillers is not as innocuous or as impermanent as previously thought

This presentation will show MRI images of the appearance of dermal fillers years after their injection. These patients represent a complication of dermal fillers - that is, a mishappen upper lip many years after the initial treatment