Management of Frontal Sinus and Anterior Skull Base Fractures (#41)
The goals of management of frontal sinus fractures are to create a safesinus by minimizing the likelihood of early and late complications whilepreserving the function of the sinus and maintaining the cosmeticappearance of the upper face. The optimal treatment of frontal sinusfractures remains controversial. Most surgeons would accept an openexploration and obliteration of the sinus in the presence of a depressedor displaced anterior wall fracture or injury to the nasofrontal duct. Formore severe fractures involving the posterior frontal sinus wall andskull base, cranialization is indicated. However, the effort to reducesurgical morbidity and to optimize reconstruction of craniomaxillofacialinjuries has resulted in the development of less invasive surgicalapproaches in surgical planning and execution. The technology andtechniques applied to surgery of the floor of the frontal sinus is nowbeing applied to the management of frontal sinus trauma. The benefits,risks, complications, and optimal use of both open and endoscopictechniques will be discussed.