A descriptive analysis of the most prevalent medical conditions amongst patients receiving dental implants in private practice over a five-year period. (#2)
The population seeking implants in private practice is a demographically and medically diverse group. Better understanding of this population can optimize treatment planning and service delivery specifically for this population.
1. To create an evidence based clinical picture of the typical patient seeking dental implants in the private practice setting.
2. To explore the data collected during a retrospective cohort study reviewing and describing the medical and demographic data of patients seeking implants in private dental practices over a five year period in Victoria, Australia.
Materials and Methods
Privately practicing dental clinicians were invited to participate in the study. Data was collected pertaining to 4,116 patients who met the inclusion criterion of at least one implant placed or restored within the study period of 1st of January 2005 to 31st of December 2009. Information was collected regarding: clinician demographics; patient demographics, co-morbidities and oral status; surgical procedure; implant details; restoration details; and any complication details. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the population with respect to patient demographics, comorbidities and medication usage.
Demographic data relating to age and gender was used to determine the most common ages of presentation for implant therapy and allow comparison between genders. Common comorbidities identified were psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular disorders, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, smoking and respiratory disorders, diabetes, nervous system disorders, malignancies and endocrine disorders. Their prevalence and associated medications were defined where possible.
Over 70% of all implant patients in this study were aged between 41 and 70 years of age. This period of life is associated with a diverse group of medical conditions and therapies that often increase in prevalence with age. Clinicians must be familiar with their target demographic, understand the common comorbidities amongst this patient group and be conscious of how their presence can influence clinical decision making and outcomes.